Do you want to contribute to the Fair Grounds?

Great, that makes us very happy! Contributing can be done in several ways.

With every cup of Tea of Life, you are already making a contribution. This can be done both at home and in the office. So, enjoy a nice cup of Tea of Life with your colleagues. If you don't have Tea of Life tea at the office yet, inquire with the person responsible for purchasing. Tea of Life is also available at Jumbo, Dekamarkt and pharmacy DA.

Donations are warmly welcomed. This can be done through Triodos Bank Netherlands, account number: IBAN NL53TRIO0390369667, attention to the Fair Grounds Foundation



On the packaging of Tea of Life, you will find the Fair Grounds Foundation certification mark. Since the Fair Grounds Foundation has been active in India since 2021, a new logo has been introduced. Unlike the previous logo, where the contours of Sri Lanka were visible, the new logo is not geographically bound. It is a cheerful logo that refers to the elements contributing to that delightful cup of tea: the sun, the earth, the tea plant, and water.

In the name of the Foundation, the words ‘Fair’ and ‘Grounds’ are included. This stands for fair trade, fair products, being good for the earth, and fair motivation.


The board of the Foundation consists of Pim J. Oostrom (chairman), Jeanine Robbe (vice-president), and Margriet Oostrom (secretary). The board members work on an unpaid, voluntary basis for the Foundation. Additionally, four employees from Axxent are actively involved in the decision-making and implementation of the foundation’s projects.



In addition to donations, funds are generated by allocating €0.25 per kilogram from Tea of Life sales produced in Sri Lanka. The tea brands Art of Tea Collection and Urban Tea Garden contribute €0.50 per kilogram sold, while Frellsen adds €0.30 per kilogram. These contributions are directed to support the foundation’s projects in Sri Lanka, focused on improving education, housing, and healthcare.


The Foundation was established in November 2009, is a public benefit organization (ANBI charitable institution), and is registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 30273952 RSIN 8215 06 316.

Annual Report

You can download the most recent annual report here. The verification of figures and the preparation of the Foundation’s financial statements are conducted pro deo by Van Oers Accountancy & Advice.